Should you like to make a purchase on any of our apparels, please send us an email to with your name, email address, item name, size, color, quantity and postage type to confirm your interest.
Step 2:
An invoice will be sent to your email account within 24 hours, once we have confirmed the availability of your item(s).
Step 3:
You may pay for your item(s) within 24 hours upon receiving your invoice, through any of the below modes of payment:
- POSB Funds Transfer
- Interbank Transfer
Bank Account: POSB Savings 038-45611-3
Name :
Mailing Address :
Postage Type: Normal / Registered :
Item(s) name & color & size & quantity :
Your account type and no :
ibank nick :
Transaction ref no :
Amount transferred :
Date / Time of transferred :
Amount transferred :
Date / Time of transferred :
Transaction ref no :
A snapshot attachment of your ATM receipt.
Step 4:
Your item(s) will be arranged and sent to you within 3 working days (or otherwise stated) once we have received your payment.
There are 2 types of postage charges:
- For normal postage: $1.50 for every 1st item, an additional of $0.50 each for the additional items.
- For registered postage (recommended): $2.24 more on top of the total normal postage charges.
For example, should you be purchasing 3 items from The Esclusivo,
Normal postage charge: $1.50 + $0.50 + $0.50 = $2.50
Registered postage charge: $2.24 more on top of the total normal postage, which is $2.24 + $2.50 = $4.74